

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Forgive Me...

I am pleading for your forgiveness due to my inattentiveness to this blog. In my defense, I usually do my blog entries on Ryan's laptop and he is usually doing homework every evening. I am clearly making excuses considering we have another computer upstairs and I am home alone during the day while his computer is here. Either way I am sorry and I will really try to be more diligent about updating more frequently. Lately Ryan has been very busy with school and work. He is doing SO well and I am so proud of him and appreciate all of his hard work. He is such a wonderful husband and great Daddy. Adalynn turned 4 months old on October 10th! Can you believe it? Yeah, me either. She is developing such a great personality. I can occasionally get a giggle out of her here and there, but her laughing isn't very consistent just yet. She is such a happy baby and is smiling 90% of the time. She has rolled over from tummy to back a few times, but that hasn't been very consistent either. She can sit in her bouncer now. Although she doesn't really understand the "bouncing" aspect of it yet, she enjoys just chillin' in it. Until it starts spinning and she only has one foot on the floor. That freaks her out a little bit. We are going to a pumpkin patch tomorrow which I am sure she will absolutely love! 

Since I am going to have a hard time updating you on every small detail since my last post, I will go ahead and just share some pictures.