So today motherhood welcomed me the rest of the way into her loving, poop-filled arms. Yes, I have officially had the pleasurable experience of a completely blown out diaper, but I'll get to that in a minute. Until then, here's a teaser for those of you who are itching with excitement...
So this morning I had my six week postpartum appointment and took Adalynn with me as well. Other than skipping breakfast our morning went pretty smoothly. You never know what to expect with a six week old and you can almost guarantee you'll be leaving the house a little later than planned. This did happen, but we left with just enough time to get there. So we pull into the parking lot of the office and every spot was full. This has never happened since I have been going to that office. I begin circling the lot for a spot, receiving competitive glares from those driving past me, when I finally see a very heavy set man (yes, this has relevance to the story) heading to his big ole' truck. I pull up at a reasonable distance, turn on my blinker, and wait. It isn't long before I realize that the cars on both sides of this man's truck are rather close. Soon after I see that the man appears to be struggling to get into his truck door. I still sat there, expecting he would soon squeeze through the small space. Two, three, four more tries and he was still not making much progress. He then proceeded to close his truck door and began walking around to the other side. I quickly looked over to gauge the space he had where he was headed and realized that it was an even tighter squeeze! I hated seeing this. I can't even begin to explain how bad I felt that this man was struggling with what would be such a (somewhat) simple task for most people. I couldn't take sitting there and making him feel pressured (and most likely embarrassed). This made me decide that exercise wouldn't kill me and I just decided to park in another lot. And exercise it was! Man, nothing like carrying a baby in a car seat and a diaper bag a good distance to make you realize you're out of shape.
Fast forward to the doctor's appointment... I have met with the nurse, gone over all that my appointment will entail, have undressed from the waist down and covered up with a gown (yes, this is also relevant to the story), and am sitting on the exam table waiting for the doctor to come in. Adalynn is in her car seat on the floor next to me and as I am sitting there, lovingly staring at this beautiful creature we have created, I notice the side of her onesie appears to be pretty wet. After looking a little closer I realize that this said wetness has a greenish tint to it. I get down from the exam table and (See Image Above) this is what I find. Not only do I find this, she then sticks both of her hands right in it! So you can only imagine the sight my poor doctor saw when she walked in. A half naked patient and a completely naked baby, both covered in poop. She quickly excused herself and told me to grab her when I was finished. Of course Addie is SCREAMING her lungs out the whole time I am cleaning her off with wipe after wipe after wipe. Mind you this is an office where kids are not allowed (Hmmm. I wonder why?!) It took me a good twenty to thirty minutes to get that all taken care of and to get her back in good enough spirits to receive my check-up. Definitely a first blow out to remember, that's for sure! Following this, my doctor puts me in a considerable amount of pain (for necessary reasons, but I will spare you those details.) This makes me feel horrible and I remain at the office for a few other things and am finally out two hours after my appointment. I make the trek back to my car, which, by this point, totally makes me wish I had waited for the large man to squeeze into his truck. I pull out of the parking lot and BOOM I'm on low fuel. I have just enough money on my debit card for a few gallons of gas (we have new ones, but mine was not activated and after many attempts over the phone had failed, I gave up.) Not complaining here, I'm just thankful I had any available money at all! I think we can all agree that the "low fuel" light is never something you want to see after being ready to just be home.
When I arrived home, Ryan had already had a pretty long day as well and we still had a few more errands to run together. We were both wore out and had a screaming baby a good majority of our trip. After all was said and done, Ryan got us Chipotle and since today was his last day of school we were able to go home and watch our new Netflix show and relax with one another. I wasn't feeling very well still, but we were both in considerably better moods having the opportunity to have the rest of the day to spend with one another, worry-free. I'm so thankful that we can turn days like this into much better ones for each other.
So if you're having a rough day, here is a little something to put a smile on your face...