

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Five Months Old

Miss Adalynn Brielle Capes is FIVE MONTHS OLD today. I can't believe it. Since we haven't been to the doctor for an exact weight I would have to guess she weighs around 14.5 lbs now. She was 25 1/2 inches long at her last appointment. She is now completely formula fed. Even though I am no longer breastfeeding (for some personal reasons) I am happy that I was able to provide her with the closeness and nutrition that I did for the first four months. She is such a happy and content little girl. She is becoming a pro at rolling over from her belly to her back (she's never liked being on her tummy so I know she's happy she figured that one out.) She can also roll from back to belly, but that's not as common. She loves "talking" to us and figuring out all of the new noises and squeals that she can make. She is starting to laugh more, but it's still a pretty rare occasion. She is also working on sitting up by herself and improving more and more everyday. We began feeding her baby cereal before bed about two weeks ago. She was doing pretty well with the spoon, but you could tell she wasn't too fond of the cereal part. We tried green beans as her first real food and she LOVES them! Although she does make some gnarly faces while she's eating them, she is always anxious for the next bite. Ryan and I are so blessed by God with such a smart and fun little girl. We are loving every second of watching her learn and grow. We are also blessed with such a loving family and support group. Adalynn is so lucky to have all of you in her life and we love you all so much!

She wasn't too happy about Green Bay's loss today as you can see...

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Adalynn's First Halloween!

We did not end up getting out to the pumpkin patch this year, but we did get the chance to dress Adalynn up and take her for a "trick-or-treating" walk around the neighborhood! She enjoyed walking around in the beautiful fall weather and seeing everyone in their costumes. She didn't even complain a little about being in her costume. Growing up, Halloween was always something my best friend and I got SO excited about every year. I am looking forward to future years of dressing her up in fun costumes and a late night sugar rush. 

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Forgive Me...

I am pleading for your forgiveness due to my inattentiveness to this blog. In my defense, I usually do my blog entries on Ryan's laptop and he is usually doing homework every evening. I am clearly making excuses considering we have another computer upstairs and I am home alone during the day while his computer is here. Either way I am sorry and I will really try to be more diligent about updating more frequently. Lately Ryan has been very busy with school and work. He is doing SO well and I am so proud of him and appreciate all of his hard work. He is such a wonderful husband and great Daddy. Adalynn turned 4 months old on October 10th! Can you believe it? Yeah, me either. She is developing such a great personality. I can occasionally get a giggle out of her here and there, but her laughing isn't very consistent just yet. She is such a happy baby and is smiling 90% of the time. She has rolled over from tummy to back a few times, but that hasn't been very consistent either. She can sit in her bouncer now. Although she doesn't really understand the "bouncing" aspect of it yet, she enjoys just chillin' in it. Until it starts spinning and she only has one foot on the floor. That freaks her out a little bit. We are going to a pumpkin patch tomorrow which I am sure she will absolutely love! 

Since I am going to have a hard time updating you on every small detail since my last post, I will go ahead and just share some pictures. 

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Addie's First Play Date

So in an earlier blog I mentioned that my good friend Briana who I've known since I was 3 had a little boy (Zain) 10 days before Adalynn was born. She has a one year old boy as well (Kameron). Well this Wednesday Adalynn and I spent the day with the three of them and had such a good time. It was so nice to catch up with her and have some Mommy time. This post will be mostly pictures, because we got some great ones! I'm sure we'll be getting together a lot more often now.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Six Months

So today Ryan and I have been married for six months. I can't believe how fast time flies. I can honestly say that they have been the best six months of my life. I feel so incredibly blessed to have found Ryan and that God has given me the privilege to spend the rest of my life with him. He is such an amazing husband and father. He works so hard everyday for our family and I appreciate everything he does so much. I am looking forward to what God has in store for our family and spending every day for the rest of my life with him.

Adalynn has been doing very good. She has started sleeping for about 6-7 hours at night (most of the time) which has been AWESOME! She is becoming more interactive and smiling more everyday. I am honestly surprised by how much she "talks" and smiles. It is the most heartwarming thing and I am so happy I get to spend my days with her. 

I DID find my camera charger yesterday so I will have some good pictures coming soon, I promise! For now I do have some great pictures I got on my phone. It doesn't matter what I take the picture with, she's beautiful no matter what! :)

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

It's been a while...

Alright everyone, I know I am bit of a blogging bore. I promise I will make a valiant effort in updating more often. I have been in a little bit of a slump lately. I am feeling much better though. I really think that once I find my camera charger and am able to take some better pictures I will be more motivated to update more.

Anyways... Ryan and I had our first date night this last weekend! We went to P.F. Changs and saw Elysium while my parents watched Adalynn. It was really nice to have the chance to spend some one on one time with each other for the first time in a while. Although the movie didn't necessarily meet our expectations, we still had a good time (except for the fact that I wore heels and my post pregnancy feet swelled up SO badly and it was incredibly painful!)

Adalynn turned two months old on the 10th! Today was her two month appointment and shots. It was sad for mommy, but she took it like a champ. She only cried a little after each shot and we cuddled on a bench for 30 minutes before we started our ride home. She slept the entire ride and then a while when we got back, but around 2 she really seemed like she wasn't feeling well. I gave her some tylenol and we had some mommy baby cuddle/nursing time for the rest of the day until daddy got home and then she cheered right up! She is now sleeping happily on daddy's shoulder and he's never looked better ;). 
Length: 22 1/2 in. (grown an inch)
Weight: 10lbs. 9oz. (gained 3lbs. 6oz.)
It blows me away how big she's getting. Her pediatrician commented on how much she was "talking" and smiling. It made me so proud to have such a smart little girl. My love for her (and her daddy) just blows me away.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Mama Drama

I am sorry it has been a little while since I have updated. I have a gassy baby who tends to get fussiest around the time I am usually doing this. We have been working on getting a night time routine going; go for a walk (sometimes), have some play time on her activity mat or in her super fun swing with the lights that she adores, taking a bath with mommy (I need my every night bath too), feeding, and then bed. Getting her to sleep in her crib has proved to be a little difficult, but she has been getting a little better. I am not personally comfortable with using the "cry it out" method until she is a little bit older and this is after a lot of research. I swear all I do anymore is look up information, opinions, blogs, etc. about babies. Anyway, things have been going pretty well and Adalynn is beginning to become more and more alert and happy when she is not eating and is finally going a bit longer between feedings! I am having a hard time getting her to drink out of a bottle, which is a great concern to me, because I would like to be able to leave her to go out with Ryan at some point or let Ryan get some daddy-baby bonding by having a chance to feed her too. I am sure she will get it down though. She's a smart girl and we are going to try a different bottle tomorrow. We are so blessed and so happy.

On Sunday we had a wonderful celebration at Mom and Dad Cape's house. We were celebrating Ryan's graduation of the program, Brandon's graduation from school, Grandma and Grandpa Carpenter's anniversary, Grandma Carpenter's birthday, and the birth of Adalynn. It was so nice having everyone together and having the opportunity to meet some family members I hadn't had the chance to yet. 

To Be Continued... (having some baby drama)

So... I started that post probably 4 days ago and am just now getting back to finishing it. So again I apologize for it being even longer since I've updated!

We are house sitting for Mom and Dad Capes this weekend which has been really nice and making us very anxious to get our own home (no hurry, I know we are very blessed with the situation we are currently in.) It has been a VERY successful weekend in mommy/baby world. First, I finally found a pacifier, at the recommendation of my friend Brie, that Adalynn will take! Now I know so many people are thinking, "why in the world would you want to get her started on that?" and I'm going to have to give that a question a simple, because am tired of being a pacifier! Also, she is not quite able to "self soothe" yet so when she is waking up on her own it is hard for her to fall back asleep and the pacifier has been a great help with that as well. Second, I found not one, but TWO bottles that she will take pumped milk from! Now this is awesome, because now if mommy needs to be gone for more than an hour or two, she can! Ryan and I are going to a concert in October (country fair) as a late birthday present from him to me, so I am doing everything possible to make sure she is ready for that! Seems far away, but if the next two months go by as fast as these two have then it will be here in no time! Right now Addie is laying in her carseat , because her bassinet is upstairs and today I tried covering her up with a shirt I have been wearing and it's working like magic. Every time she starts to wake up she just pulls the shirt to her face and slowly drifts back off. I love it! 

Well... baby calls! Again, I apologize about the picture quality. I can't find the charger for my actual camera, so I will be posting better (and MANY more) pictures when I find that.